Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal
Volume 21, Issue 3 (2020)
Original Articles
Effect of pollution with lead, cupper, cadmium on gene expression pattern of liver GST and serum lysozymes in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis. niloticus)
Enas Hassan, Gehad El-sayed, Azza Hassan, and Shimaa Abd Elsalam
Incidence and molecular characterization of fungi and yeast isolated from cultured catfish and Nile tilapia.
Ola Hashem, Viola Zaki, and Radwia Adawy
Prevalence of Listeria species in raw milk, ice cream and yogurt and effect of selected natural herbal extract on its survival.
Mona Youssef, Hazem Ramadan, and Maha Al-Ashmawy
Prenatal Development of Incisors in the Egyptian Buffalo (Bos bubalis).
Mohamed Mostafa, Mesbah El-Sayed, Salah Farag, and Galal Youssef
Protective effect of Nannochloropsis Oculata against mercuric-induced histopathological alterations in the kidney of Nile tilapia.
Alzahraa Mamdouh, Eman Zahran, Fatma Mohamed, and Viola zaki
Effect of dietary probiotic, antibiotic or combination on broiler performance, cecum microbial population and ileal development
Ahmed Elbaz and Said El-sheikh
The protective effect of sulforaphane in rats fed on high cholesterol high fructose diets
Wael El-Shahat, Mohamed Eladl, Mohamed Hamed, and El-Saedy Youssef
Postnatal toxicity of copper oxychloride in lactating female albino rats
Mohamed Abomosallam, Mahmoud Elalfy, and Fathy Sleem
Induction of Surgical Obstructive Cholestasis in rats: morphological, biochemical and immunohistochemical changes
Nermeen Elsaied, Alaa Samy, Esam Mosbah, and Adel Zaghloul
Ameliorative effects of Pergamum harmala seed extract on obese diabetic rats
Neveen Magdy, Mohamed Salama, Youssef Alsaedy, and Gehad El-Sayed
Evaluation of Hematological and Biochemical Changes in Dromedary Camel during the Different Stages of Lactation
Ahmed El-Sayed
Review Article
Genomic Overview into the Evolving Epidemiology of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Yara El dessouky, Shaimaa Mouftah, and Mohamed Elhadidy