Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal
Volume 24, Issue 2 (2023)
Original Articles
First Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease outbreak in Nigeria: Implications for the growing rabbit production industry
Oluwafemi Daodu, Oladapo Oludairo, Olatunde Akanbi, Isaac Olorunshola, Oluwakemi Daodu, Julius Aiyedun, and Clement Meseko
Evaluating and improving the beef quality of freshly dressed cattle carcasses at old – fashioned abattoirs of both Dakahlia and Damietta provinces.
Asmaa saber, hanan zaher, and Mohamed Elgazar
Shigatoxin producing Escherichia coli in camel meat marketed in Behaira Governorate, Egypt.
Yasmine Ibrahim, Khalid Sallam, Hanan zaher, and Mohamed Elgazar
A descriptive study of the Female kestrel in northeast of Libya
Alia Alia Al-Mabroukslaiman1, Tarek Alteif, Salem Amaizik, and Fares Aboushnaf