Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal
Volume 22, Issue 2 (2021)
Original Articles
Impact of dietary Spirulina (arthrospira) platensis on growth performance, gene expression and antioxidant status of quail challenged with salmonella enteritidis.
Ghada Abd EL-Dayem, Gehan Saleh, and Reham Abd EL- Elwahab
Haematological and serum biochemical reference intervals of juvenile African bonytongue fish (Heterotis niloticus. Cuvier, 1829) sampled from the river benue, Nigeria
The antimicrobial effect of fresh garlic and garlic oil supplemented with ground beef
Mahmoud Mahros, Asmaa Eltanahy, Samir Abd-Elghany, and Khalid Sallam
The in vivo ameliorative effect of silymarin on cisplatin-associated ovarian and testicular histopathological and biochemical alterations
Sohaila Abd El-Hameed, Hebatallah Mahgoub, Walaa Awadin, and Ahmed Elshaieb
Characterization of methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from healthy cattle and buffaloes in a linked community
Mayada Gwida, Thorya Saad, Adel Elgohary, and Amro Mohamed
Prevalence and clinical presentation of skin affections in donkey (Equus asinus) in Egypt
Mohamed Sayed-Ahmed, Ahmed Ahdy, Emad Younis, and Sabry El-Khodery
Improving the quality of ground mutton by garlic oil
Marwa Emam, Mahmoud Mohammed, Samir Abd-Elghany, and Hazem Ramadan
Effect of Moringa olefiera on neurotoxicity induced by sodium fluoride in rats
Abeer Shalan, Shimaa El- Sayed, Gehad El- Sayed, and El-Said El-Said