
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Document Type

Original Article


Development, Grass carp, Histochemistry, Pancreas, Zymogen granules.


INTRODUCTION: The pancreas is a mixed gland that plays indispensable roles in digestion and glucose uptake. Grass carp [Ctenopharyngodon idella (C. idella)] is a cyprinid fish used in aquaculture, medicine, and research. Knowledge about the early posthatching development of grass carp pancreas is lacking.

OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to elucidate the morphogenic events involving the pancreas of C. idella during the early posthatching period.

METHODS: Developmental steps involving the pancreas of C. idella during the early post-hatching period were studied using histological, histochemical, and morphometric techniques. Larvae were collected at 1-day posthatching (1 dph), 4 dph, 10 dph, and 20 dph and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and periodic acid-Schiff stains.

RESULTS: The pancreas of C. idella displayed progressive developmental changes throughout the study period. At 1 dph, the pancreatic primordium was located dorsal to the gut and caudal to the hepatic primordium. Zymogen granules were detected at 4 dph and appeared clearer onward, suggesting the initiation of pancreatic digestive activity at this age. At 10 dph, the pancreas appeared to be in close contact with the liver and spleen. At 20 dph, the pancreas significantly increased in size, was infiltrated by patches of adipose tissue, and housed a large number of pancreatic acini containing well-developed zymogen granules within the apical portions of their cytoplasm. Endocrine cells were detected among pancreatic acini at 20 dph and appeared to be more concentrated in the vicinity of the blood vessels.

CONCLUSIONS: The present study reports age-related structural changes in the pancreas of grass carp during the first three weeks of post-hatching life and will help to understand the pancreatic biology of the studied species.

Receive Date

Feb 29, 2024

Accept Date

Jun 21, 2024

Publication Date

