
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Corresponding Author

Aya Hatem

Document Type

Original Article


Probiotic; Edwardsiella tarda; Histopathology; Ultrastructure; Serum analysis; Nile Tilapia


Introduction: Edwardsiella tarda (E. tarda) is septicemic infection causes great economic losses in aquaculture.

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the protective effect of two probiotics (Aquastar® and Biogen®) against experimental E. tarda infection in tilapia.

Methods: One hundred and twenty male and female Nile tilapias were divided from the beginning of the experiment into 4 groups: G1 was kept as control negative, G2a (Aqua) was the probiotic group fed on Aquastar® grow out probiotic, G3a (Bio) was the probiotic group fed on Biogen® probiotic and G4 infected with E. tarda bacteria. After 30 days, fish in G2a&G3a were divided into 4 subgroups: G2a&G3a were kept uninfected and G2b&G3b were exposed to E. tarda infection. The experiment was continued for another 30 days. Blood, hepatic, and intestinal tissue were collected for histopathological, hematological, and serum biochemical analyses.

Results: Significant histopathological changes in liver and intestinal sections of the E. tarda exposed group were seen together with loss of normal ultrastructure of intestine and significant alteration in serum and blood parameters at 30 and 60 days. In contrast the supplemented groups with probiotics for 30 days and challenged with E. tarda infection for another 30 days showed significant improvement in histopathology, ultrastructural, biochemical, and serum analysis.

Conclusion: Our data suggested that probiotics could decrease the pathological effects of E. tarda infection, improve the hematological and serum parameters, and thus promote the immunity and disease resistance of fish.

Receive Date

Apr 02, 2024

Accept Date

May 31, 2024

Publication Date

