
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Document Type

Review Article


Colour Doppler, target reproductive management, uterine artery, vaginal artery


The management of reproduction in dairy herds has profited tremendously from technical improvements, greater usage of ovulation synchronization procedures, and fixed-time automated monitoring devices. The purpose of this review article is to highlight the importance of noninvasive color Doppler ultrasound imaging based on the target reproductive management of dairy cows. Noninvasive measurement of uterine and vaginal blood flow in dairy cows is variable during the estrous cycle, pregnancy, and puerperium. Transrectal uterine and vaginal arterial blood flow changes can be utilized to determine changes in female genital functions during the estrous cycle, pregnancy, and puerperium, according to the findings of our study. During these periods, there were noticeable changes in uterine and vaginal blood flow. During pregnancy, uterine blood flow is positively correlated with the gestational period. Meanwhile, vaginal blood flow increased significantly during the late gestation period. Regarding the Ovsynch program, the vaginal blood flow showed a positive increase when the serum estrogen level was increased, while at the time of prostaglandin shots, the vaginal and uterine arterial blood flow were low. In conclusion, the genital blood flow of either uterine or vaginal blood is important for the prediction of pregnancy per artificial insemination in dairy cows.

Receive Date

Jan 6, 2024

Accept Date

May 5, 2024

Publication Date

