
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Document Type

Original Article


β-LG gene, Baladi does, Individual genomic loci, Mastitis incidence


This research attempts to inquire at the genetic differences in the β-lactoglobulin gene (β-LG) along with how it affects mastitis tolerance/susceptibility in Baladi goats. For the purpose of extracting DNA, blood samples have been gathered from thirty female Baladi goats and loaded into tubes containing the anticoagulant disodium EDTA. PCR was implemented to amplify the β-LG gene's 427 base pairs. PCR-DNA sequencing analysis spotted β-LG gene differences taking the form of C390A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) correlated with mastitis tolerance in Baladi goats (GenBank with accession numbers submissions gb|PP265530|, and gb|PP265531|| for healthy and mastitic does accordingly). The β-LG gene may be an intriguing indicator for mastitis susceptibility or resistance in goats, allowing for marker-assisted selection of tolerant one’s.

Receive Date

Feb 5, 2024

Accept Date

Mar 23, 2024

Publication Date

