
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Corresponding Author

Shady Shalaby

Document Type

Original Article

Subject Areas



Pathology, cryptosporidium, turkey, hybrid converter, Meleagris Gallopavo


Background: Rearing of the hybrid converter breed of turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) is becoming more popular in Egyptian farms because of its high meat production; however, many pathogens affect this benefit.

Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the occurrence and pathological impact of cryptosporidiosis in hybrid converter breeds.

Methods: Regular visits to turkey farms of hybrid converter breeds in the delta region of Egypt were conducted during 2022 and 2023. Clinical examination of the diseased birds was performed and recorded. Following the clinical examination, the diseased turkeys were euthanized and necropsied. Freshly dead birds were then necropsied. The intestinal contents of necropsied turkeys were subjected to the Wisconsin sucrose flotation technique and modified Ziehl Nelson staining technique to confirm the presence of cryptosporidium. Tissue samples from positive cases were subjected to histopathological analysis for further characterization of cryptosporidium.

Results: Clinical signs were non-specific, including rales, cachexia, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, gasping, and swelling of the infraorbital sinuses. Gross lesions included congested trachea, intestines, and the liver. Modified Ziehl–Neelsen acid-fast stained slides showed red-stained cryptosporidium oocysts retrieved from the intestinal content of turkeys. Microscopic examination of the turkey trachea and intestine revealed round eosinophilic cryptosporidium bodies among the detached epithelial cells in their lumen. The proventriculus showed follicular lymphocytic aggregation in the mucosa, with the presence of round eosinophilic cryptosporidium bodies among the detached epithelial cells in their lumen.

Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first report to characterize the presence of cryptosporidium in the liver of a hybrid converter breed in Egypt. Farmers and turkey breeders must take additional precautions to prevent and control the spread of cryptosporidium in their flocks.

Receive Date

Feb 05, 2024

Accept Date

Apr 23, 2024

Publication Date

