
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Corresponding Author

Mohammed Albahrawy

Document Type

Review Article


External coating, Leaks, Risk factors, Anastomotic healing


Intestinal healing normally proceeds through three stages: the inflammatory, proliferative, and maturation stages. Dehiscence, a disastrous outcome of intestinal anastomosis surgery, usually happens during the inflammatory stage of recovery, when the anastomotic technique (suture or staple line) has the greatest influence on the biomechanical strength of the anastomosis. Because of the severe systemic abnormalities and financial load brought on by septic peritonitis and the need for a second surgery, the ensuing septic peritonitis is linked to an astounding morbidity rate of up to 85%.

Despite the relatively high frequency of anastomosis surgeries, anastomotic leaks pose a deadly risk to colon anastomosis surgery due to increased morbidity and mortality. Several therapies have been developed to reduce the possibility of colon anastomotic leaks and to facilitate the healing of anastomotic wounds. Many treatments have been described to address these unfortunate circumstances and speed up the healing process because anastomotic leakages might have potentially lethal effects. We have produced a combined evaluation that includes some of the most excellent and recent methods for using various materials for colonic anastomotic leaking and the healing process in order to better understand the procedures taken to treat this issue. This article aims to provide a general overview of colonic anastomotic leakage, as well as new approaches to prevent and manage the problem. It also aims to improve anastomotic healing for a broader readership, with a focus on biomedical engineers.

Receive Date

Feb 06, 2024

Accept Date

Apr 23, 2024

Publication Date

