
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Document Type

Original Article


LTF gene, Baladi goat, Gene polymorphism, Mastitis


Objective: To explore the association between lactoferrin (LTF) gene polymorphisms and mastitis resistance and susceptibility in Baladi goats. Design: Crossover study Animals: Thirty female Baladi goats. Procedures: Blood samples were collected from each animal into tubes containing disodium EDTA as an anticoagulant for DNA extraction. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to amplify the 430-bp LTF gene. Results: PCR-DNA sequencing genetic assessment revealed nucleotide sequence variants in the LTF gene associated with mastitis susceptibility among the enrolled Baladi goats (GenBank accession numbers gb|PP037928| and gb|PP037929| for healthy and mastitic does, respectively). One non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) G299A was discovered by DNA sequencing of LTF gene, which caused the amino acid C100Y to be substituted. Conclusion: LTF gene could be used as a candidate gene for mastitis resistance/susceptibility in goats, enabling marker-assisted selection in mastitis-resistant animals.

Receive Date

Nov 25, 2023

Accept Date

Jan 31, 2024

Publication Date

