
Mansoura Veterinary Medical Journal

Corresponding Author

Salem, Mohamed

Document Type

Original Article

Subject Areas



Angiography, donkey, digit, Radiography, Venography


Radiography of the digit is a golden standard technique allows the veterinarian to render a subjective evaluation of the digit in donkeys. The present study was planned to evaluate the bony tissues and blood circulation in donkey’s digit using plain and contrast radiography (angiography and venography). The digits of ten clinically and orthopedic healthy donkeys were subjected to plain and contrast radiographic examination of the digit region using four standard views (dorsopalmar, anterior-posterior, lateromedial and oblique views). Plain radiographic examinations revealed fully descriptions of the bony structures and joint surfaces of the donkey’s digits. While, the digital angiography and venography of the donkey digit illustrate clearly evident digital arteries and veins network that are course from the carpus/tarsus to the terminal arch. In conclusion, radiography provides a pierce non-invasive technique for evaluation of the hard tissue and digital blood circulation of the digit in donkeys.

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